I would like to invite all of our Ballet II and III dancers to be part of a performing company at the studio. We would perform at area nursing homes and community events. Costuming would be very respectable and classic- black leotards, pink tights, and skirts with good coverage. This would give our hard working dancers a performance outlet and hopefully cheer up and lift the spirits of people in our community. My goal would be to start performing in Fall 2021, provided covid procedures allows for this. With this date in mind we would begin learning pieces this summer. This should be a fun and rewarding experience for the dancers with equal opportunity for everyone. It would require a degree of commitment from the dancer though as studio rehearsals and at home practice would be needed. We definitely want to look polished and well rehearsed at all performances. We would rehearse at the studio at a seperate time from their technique classes.
Not part of the studio yet and want to be included? Not a problem. We would welcome new dancers to the studio and our performing company.